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“I see no harm in book-learning”

A pedagogical practice of transmediating
The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes

Steve Jankowski, PhD Candidate, York University

LM8910 Digital Publishing: Credits
Jason Boyd, Kaela Cadieux, Laura Chapnick, Miso Choi,
Puneet Dutt, Claire Farley, Olivia Harris, Emily Holmes,
Michelle Keith, Nikolina Likarevic, Sasha Makarewicz,
Margaret Milde, Julie Morrissy, Sarah Skrydstrup,
Chloe Stelmanis-Cali, Sydney Tyber

1. The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
2. Social editions
3. Transmediation
4. Enabling Contexts
5. The Ba of Digital Publishing

The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes, 1894

— John Oliver Hobbes
(Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie)

the social edition is process-driven, privileging interpretative changes based on the input of many readers; text is fluid, agency is collective, and many readers/editors, rather than a single editor, […] broaden the editorial lens as well as the breadth, depth, and scope of any edition produced in this way.”

—Siemens et al, 2011

“Each medium has its own affordances,
its own systems of representation,
its own strategies for producing
and organizing knowledge”

—Henry Jenkins, 2009

“You might say that knowledge is
embedded in ba, and that supporting
the whole process of knowledge
creation requires the necessary
context or knowledge space.”

—Ikujiro Nonaka, 2000

Nonaka’s knowledge creation spiral

Jorgenson Hall
Week 1

Introduction of Wikisource
Week 2

Introduction of joh2014blog
Week 3

Wikisource:JOH proofreading activity
Week 4

Introduction of Twitter
Week 5

Transition from Wikisource to social edition
Week 6

Transmedial flows
Week 7

Annotating the social edition
Week 8

Annotating the social edition
Week 9

Reflections on the social edition
Week 10

Week 11

The Ba of Digital Publishing

Steve Jankowski

The JOH Social Edition
The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes