Step 1

Open this url: on your touch device!

First you need to open the controller page, which has the above address, on your touch device. You can type it's address, or use one of the buttons to either e-mail the link to yourself, or use a QRCode scanning app to open it directly.

Step 2

Test the connection on your touch device by swiping down!

Your device appears to be connected to the server! Yey! This is indicated by the little circle ( pretending to be an LED in the upper right corner ) that just turned from orange to green.
The other down! :)

Step 3

Drag this ⚙ bookmarklet to your bookmarks.

By dragging the bookmarklet to your browser you can control any page the listens for key presses or has an API can use. Your swipes, on your touch device, translate to pressing one of the four arrow keys on the page where you activated the bookmarklet.


You are ready to roll. Visit the awesome reveal.js site for example, click on the bookmarklet and start swiping! And remember, your bookmarklet is paired with the link you sent to your touch device, so it would be a good idea to bookmark it, and then you can use that pair on any number of presentations. If the presentation framework you are using is not compatible with, let me know. I can probably fix that in no time!